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Ahi Tuna Steak

Ahi Tuna Steak

Ahi Tuna Steak

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Pan seared Ahi Tuna Steak.


  • ahi tuna steak - available frozen (fresh is great, too)
  • salt
  • pepper
  • lemon pepper
  • extra virgin olive oil


  1. Add thawed Ahi Tuna Steaks to medium hot fry pan (that’s been greased with extra virgin olive oil)
  2. Add salt, pepper, and lemon pepper to Ahi Tuna Steak while it’s cooking.
  3. Rub in a little bit of extra virgin olive oil.
  4. Cook for 3 minutes on each side for medium rare.  Add one minute for medium.
  5. Serve with soy sauce or something like our Spicy Soy Fish Sauce or the delicious Mayonnaise Sauce for Seafood.
  6. Be happy


  • Be careful not to over cook.  They cook really quickly.  If overcooked, they’re kinda crappy.  
  • Nutrition facts based on 4 oz servings.  Typical frozen packs from Trader Joe’s come with four or five 4 oz servings.

Useful tips for Ahi Tuna Steak