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Sun-dried tomato basil hummus

Sun-dried tomato basil hummus

Sun-dried tomato basil hummus

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You cannot go wrong with tomatoey, basil-y hummus recipe.


  • chickpeas - 2 15oz cans
  • sun dried tomatoes in oil - 1 8 oz jar
  • lemon - 1/4 fruit
  • basil - 8 leaves
  • tahini - 1/2 cup
  • salt - 1/4 tsp
  • olive oil (optional) - 1-4 Tbsp


1. Drain one can of chickpeas and add to Vitamix container
2. Leave second can of chickpeas undrained, add to container
3. Add entire contents of sun dried tomato jar including oil
4. Remove the rind from the lemon
5. Add lemon, basil, tahini and salt to the container
6. Ramp from variable speed 1 to 10 and blend on high for 3-4 minutes
7. Use the tamper to push ingredients from the corners into the blade
8. If you like a smoother consistency, add 1-4 Tbsp of olive oil halfway through
9. Stop when desired texture is achieved
10. Snap a pic and tag #lifeisnoyoke
11. Enjoy!

Useful tips for Sun-dried tomato basil hummus

Basically, this recipe is basic. But it photographed well, so we have several tips. 🙂

Buy sun-dried tomatoes packed in oil (we're gonna use it) at your local grocery store.

The oil has a great flavor (and smell, oy).

This is a perfect Vitamix recipe, but a food processor will work, too.

Just because it's a savory recipe doesn't mean you can't lick the spoon!

This sun dried tomato was not packed it oil. It's sole purpose is for garnish. Skip this unless you're fancy.