If you aren’t seeing “06-NOYOKE” next to Free Standard Shipping at checkout, it may be because you’re logged into Vitamix Rewards.
Don’t worry!
You can get your Vitamix Rewards *and* ensure we’re getting referral credit. Here’s how:
Just before you Proceed to Checkout, refresh your cart by using one of our links:
REFRESH CART (and Reactivate LifeIsNoYoke Referral)
Note: Even after refreshing your shopping cart with the link above, you still may not see our name. But as long as you’re not seeing another code *and* that was the last link to Vitamix you clicked, we should be good. (We’ll be able to confirm that we got credit if you email us your order confirmation use our notify us / register VIP form.)
Why is this happening?
It’s an IT issue that we’re working through. But basically, Vitamix Rewards sometimes hides our affiliate code at checkout.
Let us know if you have any other questions.
And thanks so much for your business. We really appreciate it.
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