Day 2: 30 days of Vitamix S30. A peak at what’s inside the box
What’s it like to open up a brand new Vitamix S30?
Is it like all the other Vitamix’s? What comes inside? Is there any assembly required?
Answers to these questions…
…and more as I unbox the Vitamix S30.
Let’s do it.
The Vitamix S30’s box is basic “cardboard” color. Probably a cost-saving measure. But also an environment saving measure.
Other Vitamix’s come in a full-color, glossy box (enclosed in a non-descript cardboard box). Not a huge deal, but I definitely wouldn’t keep the S30’s box around to show off.
Click to see the Pro 750’s box and notice the difference.
There is a chance the S30’s which are available to the public are sold in the fancy, glossy boxes we’re all used to (and mine came in an ugly box because it’s a demo model). I will find out.
The one-page Quickstart Guide is the first thing you see upon opening. Bravo, Vitamix, wasn’t sure how long it would take you to realize NOBODY read the old Quickstart Guide (except me).
Here’s the S30 specific cookbook. It’s mini just like its blender.
Can’t wait to try ALL your recipes.
This is the plastic-wrapped blade assembly. I am pretty sure this is new for Vitamix products. They used to come raw.
Don’t worry about cutting your fingers unboxing the blade assembly. It was well-covered by the plastic wrap. Assuming you aren’t diving in too fast, you’ll be fine. The blades are basically dull out-of-the-box.
Compare that to removing the blade on the Ninja. Oy vey.
Baby tamper.
Baby container, wrapped. Good to know. Zero chance the OCD in me gets upset because the container didn’t arrive sterile.
Heyo! You look friendly, Mr. S30.
The whole Vitamix S30 family. Motor base, container, its lid, to-go cup, its lid, blade-assembly, and baby tamper. A nice looking family!

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How to unbox your S30 safely and joyously.
Want to know the secret to unboxing a Vitamix?
Savor it.
Seriously, just enjoy the hell out of it. It’s like when child is born. You only get to do it once.
And if you’re not careful, the moment will be gone in an instant.
Of course, be aware that there is a blade assembly enclosed. The actual blade is, for the most part, covered by hard plastic. And the blade isn’t razor sharp. But still, be aware it’s in there. And if you go slow, you won’t stab yourself.
Plus, you’ll enjoy the experience even more.
Bonus tip: Lay out the pieces on your counter. Everything has its purpose and it’s important to get to know what’s there.
Now, let me ask…
…What are you most excited about when you unbox your Vitamix? What goes through your head?
Answer below in the comments.
Right meow!
3 Vitamix FYI's
1) Our Vitamix cookbook now has 75 recipes! Get the Kindle version on Amazon or get all versions from LINY.
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