Delight yourself and loved ones with this easy, healthy and quick hot cocoa recipe

This is how to make plant-based raspberry hot cocoa in your Vitamix. It’s a special hot chocolate recipe that’s worth the tiny bit of extra effort. Make it!
This Hot Chocolate Recipe is Special
Note: Below is a little video I made about this hot chocolate recipe.
It’s broken into two halves.
1st half: Recipe demo. Watch us make this special hot cocoa.
2nd half: Special thing I did that inspired me to make to this recipe video.
Note: Below is the original blog post text and photos from 2014. I’m cringing at my early writing style and photography skills (lack thereof). The recipe is still great though!
Seriously though, you should jump to the recipe.
Okay, fine, you’ve been warned.
I used to make hot cocoa like most people. Hot water plus packet of cocoa powder.
If not for the HFCS-laden marshmallows, it would have tasted like muddy water.
Ever look at the ingredients in hot cocoa packets?
Sugar, chemicals, high fructose corn syrup, etc.
Pure poison.
Lessons learned:
I used cow’s milk in my first attempt at homemade hot cocoa. It was frothier. But so were the gasses in my stomach.
In attempt at avoiding the microwave, I tried a pot and wood spoon. Wow, that got messy fast. It was impossible to stop a boil-over mess. And pouring from the pot? Forget about it!
Rich, frothy, flawless
Finally, I changed the recipe and changed the method. I used all-natural ingredients (plus one surprising one). And, I heated it in our Vitamix
- Tastes incredible.
- No mess or fuss (just the Vitamix).
- Looks as beautiful as the Swiss Alps.
No joke, this was the best dang hot cocoa I’ve ever had.
You’re welcome!

Raspberry Hot Cocoa
Special, plant-based hot cocoa in a Vitamix.
- almond milk - 2 CUPS
- cocoa powder - 1.5 Tbsp
- dates - 4 pitted
- salt - a pinch
- raspberries - 1/4 CUP (frozen is okay!)
- vanilla extract - 1/2 t (optional)
- Add ingredients to your Vitamix.
- Run the soup program (if you have programs)
- Start blending on low. Increase speed to high for 7 minutes
- Serve.
- Be warm and happy!
Useful tips for Raspberry Hot Cocoa
If you don’t have any raspberries, make it like we did at summer camp.
We used a raspberry tea bag.
Certainly raspberries (fresh or frozen) are best if you can. But in a pinch? Oh yeah. Delicious.
Just don’t put the tea bag in your Vitamix!
Any high-speed blender will do. This is my Vitamix Pro 750
Warning: Contents are very hot. Watch your face for the steam!
Something about a tall white mug makes hot cocoa taste better. That, and enjoying it under a warm blanket.
The Vitamix S30 I was testing successfully made this drink piping hot.

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Making this now in the S30. Didn’t have any raspberries, ugh, so added some vanilla.
1.5 minutes in: Will it heat?
2.5 minutes in: Getting less cold.
4 minutes in: Still not hot.
5 minutes in: It’s gonna happen. Def taking longer than it does in a G-Series.
6 minutes in: Today…
7 minutes in: Yeah, I guess it was ice cold almond milk.
10 minutes in: Warm. Not hot.
12 minutes in: Never felt the engine exhaust. Strong but surprisingly cool.
13 minutes in: Almost ready.
I stopped counting to try it. It wasn’t hot enough so put it back on for another 2 minutes.
Was damn good after it was all said and done. Curious how long the identical recipe would take in a pro 750.
To be continued…
Cocoa was delicious even though it felt like it took forever.