Update: Regrettably, we’re no longer able to provide personalized help to sell your or relocate used Vitamix. But if you’d consider giving it another chance, here are 7 recipes you should make first if you’re getting started (again).
So you’ve seen what’s new on Vitamix.com and Vitamix.ca. Pretty cool, right?
And now you’re thinking, should I upgrade?
“Can I sell my used Vitamix?
The simple answer is, yes. You can absolutely sell your used Vitamix. Ebay, Craiglist, the Vitamix trade-in program are all good options.
Let’s discuss each and the rest of your options for dealing with your used Vitamix.
But first, be sure you’re actually ready.
Why you should trust me
While I’ve never, myself, sold a used Vitamix, I’ve sold several new and reconditioned ones. It’s how we support ourselves. I’ve also sold my fair share of used items on eBay and Craigslist. Most importantly, I love the idea of you plus another person getting a new Vitamix. So the easier I can make that for everyone, the better.
Do these things before selling your used Vitamix
There are a few things you’ll want to do before selling (or donating) your used Vitamix. The following will help you get the most money (and satisfaction from its new owner).
1. Get its warranty expiration date.
Call Vitamix at 1-800-848-2649 with your machine’s serial number. Tell the representative you’d like to know the date on which your Vitamix warranty expires. (This helps determine and maximize your used Vitamix’s value.)
2. Gather all accessories, books, etc.
You want to provide as much as you can to the new owner.
- Tamper.
- Lid.
- Lid plug.
- Cook books.
- Getting Started DVD’s.
- Containers.
- Starter kit from Life is NOYOKE.
Don’t worry. Your new Vitamix will come with all new and updated versions of these things.
3. Give your Vitamix a bath.
Wait! Do not actually submerge your Vitamix motor or container in water.
But, do thoroughly clean your Vitamix. Inside and out. (Don’t forget to wipe down your motor base with a warm rag and under the rubber landing pad.)
Okay, now that you’re ready to sell your used Vitamix, let’s discuss our options.
8Â Options if You Want to Sell Your Used Vitamix
Here’s what you can do with your used Vitamix.
Note: Your options are ranked in order of difficulty, most challenging first. Not coincidentally, earnings potential and intrinsic dissatisfaction are correlated.
1) Selling your Vitamix on eBay
You can sell your used Vitamix on eBay. Overall, here’s what to expect.
Difficulty: Advanced.
Earnings potential: Highest.
Intrinsic value: (Most likely) low.
More detail
I’m going to go out on a limb here. If you knew you could find a buyer to give you good money for your used Vitamix, you’d upgrade to a new one.
And you know eBay is the biggest marketplace for used Vitamix machines. You can even find several of the vintage Vitamix models.
But here’s the problem: Selling on eBay can be tricky.
To get the most money from your used Vitamix on eBay, you’re going to need:
- Good, thorough description.
- Several high quality pictures.
- Strategic listing specifications (date, time, category, duration, starting price, auction type, etc).
And this takes a bit of work to get right.
If you’re up to the challenge, go for it. Otherwise, it can be time-consuming and disappointing.
You can definitely sell your used Vitamix on Craigslist. Here’s a quick summary of what to expect. Overview Difficulty: Intermediate. More detail Craigslist is a great way to have someone pick up and give you cash for your used Vitamix. Find the right buyer and the transaction is a beautiful thing. But therein lies the challenge. When you list your used Vitamix on Craigslist, you have to remember: Not to scare you. Selling your Vitamix on Craigslist is a fine option. And you can definitely find a lovely human being to welcome your used Vitamix with open arms. But it’s still Craigslist. Pawn shops are an option for your used Vitamix. They are, after all, a high-value, sought-after item. Overall, expect Difficulty: Easy. More detail If you’re sellin’, they’re buyin’. But it’s a pawn shop. They will give you some cash for your used Vitamix. But probably not much. Taking your used Vitamix to a pawn shop is my least favorite option. Let’s move on. Would you like to sell your Vitamix to another reader of Life is NOYOKE? Oh, I would love that! Here’s what you can expect Difficulty: Uncertain. More detail Okay, this is a half-baked idea. Logistically, I have no idea how we would make this work. But here’s what I do know. There are dozens of people who get our email newsletter that would love to be Vitamix owners. And maybe getting yours at a great price (without eBay’s middle-man fees) would be a perfect fit. Again, a half-baked idea. But if this interests you, email me; I’d love to play matchmaker. You can use the Vitamix Trade-in Program to get a $100 (C$150) credit on purchases of any new or Certified Reconditioned machine. Overall Difficulty: Easy. More detail Vitamix makes it very easy to trade-in your used Vitamix. Call 1-800-848-2649, pick your new one, and tell them you’d like to trade in your used one. You’ll get a prepaid shipping label to send in your used one. (They’ll tell you to use the box your new one came in.) Once received, Vitamix will credit your card with $100. Easy peasy. This is ideal for someone with a machine that’s not fit for a new owner. Read: too old, worn, etc. If, however, there’s still a good amount of useful life on your Vitamix, this is not a great option. Your machine is probably worth more than $100 (C$150). Like #4, this is a completely incomplete idea. Overall Difficulty: Uncertain. More detail We have readers with incredible stories who’d love your pre-owned Vitamix. Think recent surgeries, chronic illness, diagnosis for feeding tube, weight loss journey; and more. Currently there’s no system or platform for this exchange. Nor are we a 501c3 org (so no opportunity for tax write-off). But if any of this interests you, email me. I’d love to make this happen with you. Instead of selling, you could simply give your used Vitamix to a loved one. You know, pay it forward. Overall Difficulty: Easiest. More detail You can probably think of a dozen people who would love to have your used Vitamix. You will be a hero to the lucky recipient. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a Vitamix at your office or second home? Overall Difficulty: Easy. More detail This one requires little explanation. If you’re fortunate enough to have a second home, you probably already considered bringing your old Vitamix there. No brainer. But what about for your office? How nice would it be to have a Vitamix at the office? For you and for your coworkers! Will you become the resident Vitamix guy? Probably. But just like giving it to a friend, you’ll be a hero. Except this is like giving it to several friends. A super hero! All new Vitamix owners who buy through LINY receive stuff to get started. If you’d like to offer it as well, email me saying “Hey, Lenny, can I get the stuff for new owners to give to the person who gets my used Vitamix? Thanks!” *** If you’re as much of a Vitamix fan as it appears, you might want to consider getting our weekly email newsletter. It’s called 5 Good Things and is just that. More helpful articles for Vitamix shoppers Where to buy a Vitamix (and find the best deal) Certified Reconditioned Vitamix – Why they’re so great Vitamix payment plans – Use them to get free money2) Selling your Vitamix on Craigslist
Earnings potential: Varies.
Intrinsic value: Varies.
3) Bringing a used Vitamix to a pawn shop
Earnings potential: Pretty low.
Intrinsic value: See above.4) Sell your used Vitamix to a member of LINY
Earnings potential: Uncertain.
Intrinsic value: Quite high!5) Trade-in your used Vitamix
Earnings potential: Fixed.
Intrinsic value: Meh!6) Donate your used Vitamix to a LINY reader
Earnings potential: Uncertain, but for now, zero.
Intrinsic value: Highest!7) Sell your Vitamix to Karma Gods
Earnings potential:Â Least money, most karma.
Intrinsic value: Hero status!
8) Bring it to another dwelling of yours
Earnings potential: Morale points.
Intrinsic value: Significant, ongoing.Helping the lucky recipient get started
If the warranty is not working anymore, can it be added?
Hi there, I know this is about selling but I have a question about purchasing a second hand A 3300. It’s me in box but hasn’t been registered for warranty. They don’t have the receipt either. Do you know if Vitamix will still cover the blender?
You can call Vitamix Customer Service 1-800-848-2649 to see if it’s still covered. 🙂