The Vitamix warranty covers nearly everything, except disrespect
The Vitamix warranty is like a super hero. It’s got you covered in times of need. It never asks for anything in return. And if you treat your Vitamix with respect (by not misusing!), you’ll be protected for a long time.
Here’s some info about the different warranties, how to get repairs and how to make sure you stay covered.
This article is from the NOYOKE Vitamix Guide series.
Vitamix Warranties — 5, 7, 10 years
Vitamix warranties vary in length. What doesn’t vary with Vitamix warranties, however, is the quality. All Vitamix warranties are incredible. You get:
- Normal wear & tear coverage.
- Unit repaired or replaced.
- Two-way shipping paid for by Vitamix.
By comparison to other product warranties, the Vitamix warranty is pure gold. Try finding another warranty that covers normal wear and tear. Dyson vacuums are the only other with a warranty as good.
The lengths of warranties are specific to individual Vitamix packages.
5-year warranty
5-year warranties on Vitamix units are the shortest warranty given by Vitamix. The short duration doesn’t mean Vitamix has less faith in these products, however. It simply means you save money now by accepting the shorter warranty.
–> Certified Reconditioned Series come with 5-year warranties.
7-year warranty
The 7-year Vitamix warranty comes standard on most new Vitamix models. There’s no extra charge. In fact, 7 years is the industry standard, if you compare to Blendtec.
The 7-year warranty from Vitamix makes a bold statement. Apple computers are only covered for 3 years. And, you have to pay extra for their Apple Care warranty plan!
–>Â The Pro 750Â comes with a 7-year warranty.
8-year warranty
In late 2013, Vitamix voluntarily recalled some containers. As a gesture of goodwill, they offered free, one-year extensions on existing warranties. Next generation containers made before July 2013 are eligible. Read More »»
10-year warranty
For an extra $75, you can get a 10-year warranty at checkout on the website. It’s really a 3-year extension added to a 7-year warranty (3 + 7 = 10). If you’d like to add the 3-year extension later, it costs $120.
–>Â The 3-year extension sold separately costs $120.
The Vitamix warranty is incredibly generous. It covers nearly everything.
You can send your Vitamix in to get:
- A full-service inspection.
- Replacements.
- Repairs.
Seriously, you’re covered for almost anything. Even if you just want to send it in for a tune-up, that’s cool, too.
Getting repairs
The Vitamix service reps are ridiculously nice. I called a few times to test their service. I need to know how easy is it to get my Vitamix repaired.
On the phone, I didn’t give the service reps much. I mumbled some b.s., lost my train of thought and basically provided zero good reason my Vitamix needed repair.
What did she do? The sweet Clevelander kindly and reassuringly spoke me like an elementary school nurse. She said she was so sorry and that we’ll get ‘er fixed up. She knew it was probably all in my head. But also didn’t hesitate to take my hand and say everything will be okay.
This happened each test call I made. Here’s what I got:
- Pre-paid shipping label.
- Return authorization number.
- Assurance it was going through their gazillion point inspection process.
The only bad part about the Vitamix warranty? When your machine is gone, you’ll miss it. I haven’t had to send mine in yet, though. I can only speculate about life without my Vitamix.
Not covered
Vitamix warranties are incredibly generous. They cover “normal wear & tear during ordinary household use.” So what exactly is not covered? What won’t Vitamix repair?
You’re covered, unless you’re misusing it. Rephrased, you’re not covered if you’re misusing it.
Hare are some examples of what’s not covered:
Cosmetic issues: Any discoloration, food build-up or other scratches are all parts of owning a Vitamix. Think of them as character marks. They are not eligible for repair even if occurred under normal household use.
Misuse: Using your Vitamix for anything but what it’s designed for can disqualify your warranty. Misuse includes:
- Foreign attachments. Non-Vitamix containers, accessories, power transformers, etc.
- Outdoor use. No Vitamix pool parties!
- Stove mishaps. I’ve done it, actually.
- Commercial use. Can’t use it at your coffee shop.
- Mix & match. Vitamixes are container specific. Only use containers designed for your model.
- Dishwasher cleaning. It can damage parts.
- Overcooking nut butters. Be sure to stop one minute after nut butter becomes creamy.
Blade sharpening:Â The warranty does not cover blade-sharpening. Vitamix blades, actually, are dull on new units. The blades work by pulverizing, not cutting. For a blender that relies on sharp blades for slicing, check out my bloody review of the Ninja Ultima.
If you think your blades need sharpening, you might want to send your unit in for repair. Vita-mix won’t sharpen the blades, but they will give you a tune-up for free!
Unauthorized repair: The Vitamix warranty is null and void if a non-Vitamix person services your unit. That includes you. If it’s broke, let Vitamix fix it.
Other warranties: Any warranty, express or implied by me, Life is NOYOKE, or another 3rd party is not covered by Vitamix. (Legal speak, but also, duh!).
Vitamix bought from Costco or other retailer
The Vitamix warranty ensures free repairs or replacement on all it’s new machines. So, no matter where you bought your Vitamix, it is covered under Vitamix’s warranty. Â
Be careful of Vitamixes purchased on eBay or Amazon. They are not certified retailers. The units available might still be covered, however. Contact Vitamix customer service to verify.
Warranties on used Vitamixes
The Vitamix warranty is attached to the machine. A change in ownership doesn’t necessarily affect the warranty. In fact, it shouldn’t.
Previous owners’ use of the unit, however, might affect the warranty. For example. a Vitamix purchased on Craigslist might have been misused. Then the warranty wouldn’t transfer to you. It would already be null and void.
Registering your Vitamix
Registering your Vitamix is not required for activating the warranty. But, it does make life easier:
- Repairs take less time.
- Less info is needed for troubleshooting.
- Easier for future orders.
Registration is easy. Simply enter the units serial number and some contact info. Alternatively, if you order directly from Vitamix, you get automatic registration.

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The Vitamix warranty should give any Vitamix owner great comfort. It’s free, easy, and designed for you to use. If it isn’t abundantly clear, I freakin’ love the Vitamix warranty. And their products, of course.
CTA: Read more about Vitamix’s engineering process. It’s kinda neat.
After reading all the comments on this site I called vita mix and explained to them that my container was broken around the base where blades are. The representative took the serial number for my machine and told me my warranty was good until April 2021 and she would ship me out a brand new container with the blades lid and tamper. I should receive it within 5 to 14 business days. I am very happy with the customer service and look forward to many years of using my Vitamix. They do not, however, cover the motor and base for a lifetime. Has anyone sent back the base that houses the motor for service before the warranty expires? Would it be prudent to do so? Any thoughts on this?
Linda S
My container broke so I called Vitamix and they shipping me out a brand new container, complete with the lid, blades and tamper. They asked me for the serial # and knew where I bought it and told me I have a 7 year warranty which will expire in April 2021. Excellent costumer service. I called after 7 pm and they are open until 8pm. I am thrilled but I was under the impression that the base that houses the motor had a “lifetime” warranty. It does not. Maybe I should send the base back for service before the warranty expires. Any thoughts on doing this
Try using your new container on the base first. If there’s no issue, you should be fine with the one you have. Otherwise, you can call and get both replaced.
The link to the 3 year extension seems to be broken, is the extended warranty no longer offered?
The 3-year extension is not available for Smart System machines (ones that come with 10-year warranties). The 3-year extension may be added to Classics only.
You are mistaken when you say vitamix blades are dull. Yes, they have a flat surface and are meant to pulverize. But, blend a bunch of frozen pears in your smoothie and you will soon find out, as I did, that you need that flat surface and sharp corners for the blades to work properly. When those corners and flat surfaces round, those pears take 3 cycles or more instead of the 1 cycle they originally took.
Originally took where? Are you blending them with any liquid?
Our 2013 Vita-Mix smells of burning wires when using it. We decided it may be dangerous to continue using it. What are the next steps regarding replacement or repair please.
Model VM0102
I’d recommend calling Vitamix Customer Service and see if your machine is still under warranty 1-800-848-2649
My parents (in their 80’s) gave me a vita mix super 5000 which they had used maybe twice. I am sure it is an older model, however It’s nice looking, has dry mix container (never used until I tried it) with it BUT this thing is ANEMIC at best! I’ve tried making fruit smoothies and hummus—only these 2 things. Both mixes never get blended. The blender is noisy, no matter what speed and the items in the blender just get pushed to outer edges, ONLY with a LOT OF ADDED, BUT NOT NEEDED (nor called for in any recipe), LIQUID and pushing with included plastic rod does this vitamixer TRY to blend. Even then there are chunkS, NEVER is anything BLENDED. It does not matter whether I use wet mix or dry mix container; nothing gets BLENDED. The irony here is that I had originally bragged so much on how good it would be to have a Vitamixer (however, I could not afford one at that time) vthat my parents went out and bought the thing. I would imagine there are some bad gears or bearings in the base since it performs the same way with either container.
Hey, sorry to hear that. You might want to consider getting a new one? That’ model hasn’t been around for 25 years, I think?
Vita mix container for making smoothies warped in the dishwasher, we have 2 and have put both in numerous times…help?
I will never understand why anyone would even consider placing their Vitamix container in the dishwasher. With all due respect, one would have to be beyond lazy to think they need to place it in the dishwasher as it is THE easiest thing to clean. Not only does it have the self-cleaning feature (place a couple drops of dishsoap in container and blend on high for 30-60 seconds and rinse), but if you don’t use that technique, you can simply wash by hand, which would take under a minute. It’s very odd to me that anyone wouldn’t automaticallly realize this.
Purchased direct from Vita-Mix corp. in 2007 by a trading in my old metal based one.
In 2017 the plastic container started leaking at the blade base, this mixer was maybe used once a month since we received it.
I don’t think the container was made up to standard for a Vita-Mix. I replaced the blade assembly and it still leaked exactly the same.
I think this plastic container should be on a recall, there seems to be quite a lot of people talking about them leaking.
Is there a free replacement for this leaker ??? Model VM0103
I am trying to decide what to do with the recall notice on the black flecks. I bought a 6300 at Costco about 3 years ago along with a dry mix jar. I used the dry jar for eggshells only once. The main jar has been used only a few times to make smoothies but it mostly sits alone in its little home as lack of space in this kitchen. Noticed on inspection blades on both jars look like they are shinier on front edge & scratched/worn/losing plating as front edges look different than rest of blade – more so on “smoothie jar”. (I know – blades are supposedly “Laser-cut, stainless-steel hammermill”) But are they plated? Is this normal? BTW, I didn’t see any black flecks on my test run. I am more concerned about blades shedding plating. If they replace under recall, it would happen again. Any thoughts?
The black flecks thing is from several years ago and is no longer a concern
I would not be concerned about blades shedding plating.
We use our Vitamix a couple times per day and live a vibrant lifestyle.
If it would make you more comfortable, you can always just stop using your Vitamix and replace it with another blender.
Hi:) I have a vitamix that I purchased awhile ago, can’t remember how long and I don’t have a reciept. It doesn’t blend properly anymore as there are a few of the ball berring missing. I’m wondering where I can get it looked at and how much it may cost to get repaired. Could you help me figure out where to start?
thank you,
Hi Diana,
You should call Vitamix Customer Service at 1-800-848-2649. They should be able to take care of you based on the serial number on the machine. 🙂
If I move to another country and take my vitamix, will it still be covered under warranty in that new country?
Hi Tara,
It depends. You need to make sure the Vitamix machine you have has a power configuration that is compatible in the destination country. Using it with a different power configuration can make the warranty null and void. To be sure, I recommend calling customer service: 1-800-848-2649
By accidentally my husband left the spoon inside the blender , and the jar get hole on it. Do you think they will cover it? I did the same thing about a week ago and the jar was fine, just the blade little bit scratch. But I dont know why today…when I used the blender and have a spoon today made a big hole.
I’d call customer service and tell them what happened. They’re usually pretty empathetic. 🙂
I dropped the container on the floor and it broke. Would that be covered?
Not really. But I’d call customer service and tell them what happened. You never know. 1-800-848-2649.
If you do end up buying a new one, tell them you have a promotion code. 06-007938. You’ll get free shipping and we’ll get credit for helping you out.
im trying to buy a vitamix on ebay and want to check the warranty by the serial number. could i checkit somewhere online by just putting in the serial # or do i have to call. i know it goes by when it was bought and so that way i can check how much time i have left on it
I’d recommend calling Customer Service. They can check on warranty remaining for you.
Also worth considering: The black Friday deals on Vitamix going on right now.
We love our Vitamix, purchased it 8 years ago. we use it weekly. Now it has a slight problem… when I use the variable speed dial, the speed will jump faster and back. What is the problem? Can you fix this?
Hi David,
Give Customer Service a call. They can help troubleshoot for you!