Here's a fairly fancy, three-ingredient, five-minute nut butter you'll love

If you’ve got three ingredients and about 5 minutes, you can make this delectable nut butter featuring pecans!
Quickly toast your pecans, add some peanuts, maple syrup and blend.
That’s all you need for this mouth-watering treat.
Throw some pecans in your grocery cart this week and celebrate autumn with this seasonal, pecan nut butter.
A fun spin on traditional nut butter
If you clicked on this recipe, you probably already know that your Vitamix easily makes nut butters.
We have a few classic nut butter recipes and then some really unique and tasty ones too (like Panang Peanut Butter, Monkey Butter or Apple Cinnamon Walnut Butter).
What’s great about this particular recipe?
It’s SO easy!
What you need:
- pecans
- peanuts (or cashews if you’re allergic)
- maple syrup
- a Vitamix
The ingredients are understandable, if you’re making nut butter you need nuts. But the Vitamix? Is that really necessary?
In this case, yes.
Many of our recipes you can make with any ole blender. But not nut butters.
There’s a few reasons why a Vitamix can handle the blend better than the competition:
- Powerful motor with thermal protection system
- A vented lid (to let steam out)
- A handy tamper.
See that gray stick I’m using? That’s the tamper. And it’s a magical tool to help you control the texture of your blend.
It also helps you push the nuts down into the blade to get that desired smoothness.
Important tip: Uo use enough nuts to cover the blades. In this case, we needed 3 cups because we are using the 48 oz container that comes with the Vitamix Explorian E310. If you’re using the 64 oz container, you’ll need at least 4 cups.
But enough with the machine itself, what about the Maple Pecan Nut Butter??
We’ll put it simply: it’s delicious.
Put some in a jar and gift it over the holidays. Blend some up and serve it with apples for a kid-friendly snack. Spread it all over your morning toast. Eat it directly off the spoon.
Whatever you do with it, you’re going to be impressed.
Embrace those fall flavors and make yourself some Maple Pecan Nut Butter, you’ll be so happy you did.

Maple Pecan Nut Butter
An easy and seasonal nut butter that's ready in minutes.
Maple Syrup, Peanuts, Pecans,Ingredients:
- pecans - 2 cups
- peanuts - 1 cup
- maple syrup - 5 Tbsp.
- Toast the pecans on a hot skillet for a few minutes
- You’ll know they are done when you can smell them and they “sweat”
- Add all ingredients into Vitamix container
- Ramp from variable speed 1 to 10
- Blend on HIGH for 2 minutes
- Use the tamper to push ingredients from corners into the blade
- Check texture for smoothness
- If not smooth enough, blend for another 2 minutes
- Repeat steps 5 & 6 until satisfied
- Snap a pic and tag #lifeisNOYOKE
- Enjoy!
Useful tips for Maple Pecan Nut Butter
If someone in your house has a peanut allergy, sub cashews for peanuts.
Buy the freshest pecans you can. The nut butter will taste better if they haven’t been sitting in your pantry for a year.
If you don’t have time to toast the nuts, skip it. They have enough natural oils to still make a smooth nut butter, just less of a toasted flavor.
Bonus: makes an excellent peanut butter and jelly!

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I’ve just made that recipe and my Vitamix smells like it’s burning. The smells come from between the base and the container, like where it turns… Is it normal?? (it’s on speed 10) I use to do nuts butters in my food processor, but I’ve decided to try in my new Vitamix. It’s 2 weeks old… Thank you & love your recipes by the way. They are great.
Hi there, that smell can be scary! But there’s usually nothing to worry about. New machines often have that burning smell the first few times you use them. Your Vitamix should easily be able to handle this recipe, remember that it will turn itself off before overheating. You’re doing it correctly by having it on variable speed 10, that’s what engages the fan. Just make sure you are holding the lid with your non-tamper hand instead of the handle so you don’t strip the gears.