So we got to visit the Vitamix manufacturing facility. In the office, they have all the vintage Vitamix models.
More commentary to come. But here’s look into Vitamix history books.
A look into the past: Pictures of vintage Vitamix machines
Commercial Vita-Mixer.
This is the Vitamix Papa demonstrated in the original informercial. Can you believe the pour spout?
A Superpowered Vitamix. The container looks like you could dent it by dropping it. First lid plug?
Oster copycat? Actually a Vita-mix.
Look at the light switch.
The rusty Vitamix.
This looks like a movie prop.
The closest thing to the current models. But look at that tamper — it’s wooden!
Vitamix Sidewinder? Need to confirm this name.
The most recent vintage Vitamix. Clear container lid!
A Total Nutrition Center VS.
And finally, all of them in a row.
Have one of these? I’d love to hear from you.
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What the Vitamix COO says about Reconditioned Vitamix units
I have a Vitamix 2200 Sidewinder that I bought in 1970, and the thing is indestructable! It still works just as well as when I first bought it. I love the stainless steel pitcher, because I never have to worry about it breaking or getting discolored. It’s true that it’s a bit loud, but I just ask Venom to leave the room when I use it.
Does anyone know where to get a lid for vitamix 2200 sidewjnder??
I just picked up an excellent condition Vitamix 3600+ 😊
I am an ancient vitamixer. My family got a Vitamix 2200 from the Indiana state fair after a demonstration in the sixty’s. I made daily milk shakes starting about third or fourth grade. The machine had plenty of power to crush ice and create peanut butter chocolate shakes. The plastic lid finally failed and became too messy to use. The action dome was a good solution. I enjoy the reversible machines and bought a refurbished new model.
do you where to get a replacement lid for the 2200
I have a 3600 that I bought used and have used off and on for probably 15 years. It looks exactly like your photo except the banner between the switch and the dial on the front is different; it even has the sticker on the container.
It finally died a couple of days ago and i’m researching for a new one. Will the container on my 3600 fit any of the Legacy models you’ve listed?
How does trading one in work? Does it have to be working? Mine might be a collector’s item! 🙂
I am unaware of any kit that allows old stainless steel pitchers on newer machines. Vita-king on eBay has kits that allow pitchers from new machines to mate to 3600 and 4000 machines. Vitamix now has modern 48oz stainless steel pitchers available. The stainless steel pitchers will not look cloudy, stained and are unlikely to break. I believe they will have a longer life than the clear pitchers. I own one and prefer it to a polymer pitcher.
We have the 3600 that I inherited from my Mom in ‘93, almost thirty years ago. The attachment in the base of the container where the motor drives the blades broke about five years ago. We tried to find the piece online but no luck. I still have it. Hope springs eternal. It still sits on my kitchen counter taking space in the appliance garage. Call me crazy!! I can’t let it go. The motor is as strong as ever. What a quality made machine.
I made soups, awesome green drinks, smoothies and ice cream…and of course, ground grain for the best, freshest bread ever.
Like the person who has lost a beloved pet takes time before getting a new puppy or kitten, I am only now ready to buy a new vitamix. Can’t believe I have actually gone five years without a green drink or smoothies!!
There is an ebay seller whose username is “vita-king.” He exclusively sells (makes) parts for vintage vitamix blenders.
An Ebay guy in Utah sells a kit with drive adapter and rubber mat/ pitcher holder of proper thickness to use modern Vitamix pitchers on 3600 and later 4000 Vitamix motor bases. He states he has a repair business and offers many Vitamix repair parts. He also sells the adapter kit with a new Vitamix pitcher. His name is Vita-king. This would get your old Vitamix working. The pitcher often wears out before the motor base.
Also 3600 stainless steel pitchers are sold on eBay. Some sellers may know whether the pitcher is usable or not. Information is available to guide selection of usable pitchers.
For what it’s worth, when the same part broke on our MAXI-4000 several years ago I called Vita-Mix and they sent a new coupler piece. We also have a Model 3600 Plus and the couplers appear to be identical. Either container works on either motor base.
give the friendly folks at vitamix a ring at 1-800-vitamix. they will convert a new container to fit on your old motor base, and probably sell it to you at a discount if you ask nicely.
Just recently acquired a 3600, I believe its an early one, as the cord goes through the handle and there’s no circuit breaker. It also has what appears to be a fake 4th speed? Very powerful, and that reversing function is CRAZY
I was given an ancient model 3600 for free after my expensive modern (not Vitamix brand) blender wore out.
I cleaned up the old machine and made a new pusher stick, and it does everything I ask of it. And it’s so powerful you can throw a bunch of fresh garden vegetables in there and make hot soup.
But, it’s really, really loud. Like airplane landing loud! 😀
I have the Model 2200 Nutrition Center. Hardly used. Are there recipes for it? Do you have to constantly reverse the blades?
I just bought a Sidewinder from Goodwill. I have no idea if it works or not. I was looking online to see if the metal carafe was the original. Apparently that weird looking thing is the original one. I don’t have a wooden stick to jam down into the thing, though. I was suspicious if it was a real one, because the carafe is so little compared to the base of the blender. Like someone bought a different brand to use with it. Puny carafe and monstrous blender “engine”. Whatever.
The motor is large and powerful. The base was designed around the large motor. The capacity of the pitcher was reasonable for a 1960’s machine.
I have an older model with metal. Strong metal smell comes through to food. Any ideas on how to handle this?
Hi Cindy,
Is this a recent phenomenon, or has it always been this way?
If it just started happening check out our post on cleaning your Vitamix, and give it a deep clean.
I have a Commercial Maxi-4000 and am thinking about a newer, shorter model. Do you know what trade-in value is for these or what I could get to sell it?
We have a Total Nutrition Center that we bought 20 years ago. I am wondering if I can use the new single serving containers with our machine.
You should be able to use a Personal Cup Adapter 👍
Does the Vita Mixer 4000 crush ice?
Yes if you use a liquid to suspend the ice to allow a vortex to form when the Vitamix is run on high.
I have an avocado green Vita Mix Kitchen Center that still works very nicely.
send me a pic!
We have a Vita-mix Total Nutrition Center Whole Food Machine that we have used nearly every day for around 25 years.
We have replaced the container (ours cracked from a drop), and the top gear (my wife put a whole peach in with the pit and that damaged the gear).
Vitamix is an incredible machine. After 25 years of marriage, it is the only thing we’ve found that is Celeste-proof. My wife did break the gear, but cannot kill the machine.
Love this. We’re through 3 years of marriage and can relate! 🙂
We have the same machine. Did you replace the gear yourself or through vitamix
We have a Vita-Mixer commercial Maxi-4000. We have the old metal pitcher with the removable spout but have never used that. Instead we have a new plastic one. The whole thing works great and we use it everyday (for years!) I wonder what year it was made.
I have a vitamix 4000 also! I bought it in late 1995. then they started advertising the TNC, total nutrition centre, first plastic vitamix. disappointing. from a friend who bought a 3600 in the early 90s I believe the 4000 was only made for a few years until 1995. hope this helps
I’ve got a vintage one with the “action dome”. (it doesn’t say “commercial” on it –but other wise looks just like it.) Its in perfect condition. Is there a good resale value on this–or should i just trade it in? I’m inclined toward SIMPLE. Am looking at an E310 as a replacement. Thoughts?
Probably best to just trade it in. 🙂
Many old Vitamix machines are sold on eBay. Ones working in good condition often sell for more than $100. Many people who grew up with a reversible original model with stainless steel pitcher prefer that model to the newer blenders. Kits are available on eBay from Vita-king to allow modern pitchers to be fited to 3600 and 4000 motor bases. New stainless steel pitchers are also available for modern Vitamix blenders.
I have the vintage total nutrition Center Vitamix and still use it every day!
Love it!
Hello Lenny,
Just a bit of clarification on the vintage models as the display isn’t in date order.
The Commercial Vita-Mixer model was the last of the stainless steel models before the TNC. It was not used in the original infomercial. The “Papa Barnard” model is actually the closest to the original infomercial model and was sold post-infomercial.
Robin, thank you for the clarification. Will make those updates shortly. ?