A Meal-Replacement Smoothie, Babies Drinking Green Juice, Falafel, Vitamix Updates and Deals, and more!
This is the online version of our weekly email newsletter. It features the latest updates to lifeisnoyoke.com, articles published, recipes we made, Vitamix buying advice for those considering, and links (generally plant-based-lifestyle-related) we’re thinking about. To get it delivered to your inbox on Fridays, you can subscribe right here.
Some of our best stuff lately has come by request. The smoothies for weight loss vid, the epic (vegan) grocery haul vid, the how to slice a watermelon vid, etc.
So here’s the ask:
Tell us: What are you and your family struggling with?
Help us be helpful by commenting below! 🙂
Much love,
Shalva and Lenny
1. Five High-Calorie Ingredients, 1 Tasty Smoothie
Maybe you’re sick. Maybe you’re too busy. Maybe you just had your braces tightened.
No, this video is certainly not for everyone.
But it seems like everyone knows someone who is having a hard time getting enough (healthy!) calories.
Watch: Five High-Calorie Ingredients, 1 Tasty Smoothie
Hit that thumbs up ? if you appreciate the video.
(And if you haven’t already, Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel; it’s free and we now have 6,409 subscribers!)
2. Babies drinking green juice
Waffles, sugar cereal, and yogurt may be all your kids want for breakfast. So what do you do? There’s a long answer for people looking to make breakfast more healthy for their kids. But the short answer is this: Start ’em early. Here’s our little guy trying green juice for the first time. And at the end, his 3-weeks-older cousin showing how it’s done.
3. Popular on Our Instagram This Week
Here’s a post from Shalva that’s getting a lot of love.
(And if you haven’t already, Follow Our Instagram; it’s free and we now have 15,117 followers!)
“Fa-la-fel ? Nothing better to serve non vegans in your plant-based home. Even the baby loves it!”
Editors note: We don’t have a recipe for this as of now. We buy boxed falafel. 🙂

Life is NOYOKE takes us hundreds of hours every month to create and maintain.
If you appreciate what we do, please consider supporting our work by using our referral links to make purchases. It’s free for you and every bit helps.
4. Vitamix updates, demos, and deals
Vitamix voluntarily issued a recall on some of the 8-oz and 20-oz containers for Ascent and Venturist. We’re relieved that it wasn’t user-error when ours came off the base during use. But we’re disappointed they didn’t catch the issue before releasing the product to market. And still, they don’t appear to be taking full responsibility for missing the defect originally. Hopefully we see a true, full update to these personal containers because in addition to this issue, feedback overall on these accessory containers has been mixed.
Here’s Shalva showing you the Certified Reconditioned Explorian!
?? USA: Summer Sale Part IV has begun.
Via our referral links, you’ll be able to get a Vitamix for under 250 bucks, all-in.
CR Explorian for $219.95
This is an deal, people. Wow.
Last chance on this one. Deal ends Sunday.
The CR Standard Programs is $249.95.
$20 off instantly at checkout on the CR Next Generation
?? CANADA: CR Standard w/ Programs for $329.95
?? UK: There’s one really nice UK-only Vitamix deal for you right now! £299 for an awesome Vitamix.
5. Articles, links, and other goodness we’re appreciating
From The Oatmeal, a comic about eating healthy and social obligations you can probably relate to.
Thanks again,
Shalva and Lenny
Life is NOYOKE
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And then, catch up on the last few week’s week-in-review:
3 Vitamix FYI's
1) Our Vitamix cookbook now has 75 recipes! Get the Kindle version on Amazon or get all versions from LINY.
2) Fast Free Shipping: USA 🇺🇸 and Canada 🇨🇦 shoppers get free shipping (all orders, all sizes!) from Vitamix.com. Click to apply
3) Now through forever: Get a free copy of our Companion Kit (ebook bundle etc) and 6 months of VIP support when you notify us of your Vitamix purchase.