Drink your Greens, Easy “Tuna” Salad, Grilled Peaches, Vitamix Back-to-School Sale, and more!
This is the online version of our weekly email newsletter. It features the latest updates to lifeisnoyoke.com, articles published, recipes we made, Vitamix buying advice for those considering, and links (generally plant-based-lifestyle-related) we’re thinking about. To get it delivered to your inbox on Fridays, you can subscribe right here.
Quick question before we get into pretty pictures and links:
*Who* is your favorite smoothie maker? I’m talking about celebs, YouTubers, and Instagrammers you look to for inspiration and motivation.
Do tell…
Thanks in advance.
Much love,
Shalva and Lenny
1. Drink your greens
In case you’ve ever said you wanted to start drinking your greens, here’s our wildly well-received, 90-second video.
(We’re working on a couple new YouTube videos I think you’ll appreciate. Coming soon!)
Watch: 5 Tips for Using Smoothies to Lose Weight
Hit that thumbs up ? if you appreciate the video.
(And if you haven’t already, Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel; it’s free and we now have 6,609 subscribers!)
2. Deli Salad
It’s not the substance that matters. It’s the extras: pickles, onions, mayo, dijon, dill. Here’s the Chickpea Tuna Salad we made this week — so good.
Note: This week, we also made spicy green juice and lettuce wraps. Put them in your rotation!
3. Popular on Our Instagram This Week
Here’s a post from Shalva that’s getting a lot of engagement.
(And if you haven’t already, Follow Our Instagram; it’s free and we now have 15,161 followers!)
“We hit up the Minnesota State Fair this morning (my fave event of the year)! And amongst all of the cheese curds, milkshakes, and turkey legs we found this little gem. A local peach grilled to perfection ? ? (we also ate a ton of fried food, don’t judge). On the car ride home we daydreamed about opening a food booth and only working 12 days a year. Plant-based foods are getting pretty popular, we might just do it someday!”

Life is NOYOKE takes us hundreds of hours every month to create and maintain.
If you appreciate what we do, please consider supporting our work by using our referral links to make purchases. It’s free for you and every bit helps.
4. Vitamix updates, demos, and deals
The Vitamix back-to-school sale is happening now. Pretty much everything is on sale. There’s even one model that’s $120 off.
There are deals for USA, Canada, and UK.
I just typed them all out and picked the best ones.
Get yours now here.
5. Articles, links, and other goodness we’re appreciating
The other day, I got a email from my mother asking us to share memories of her grandfather (my great grandfather) whose yahrzeit (anniversary of death) was that day. Highlights from her tribute: “I remember how he always gave me hand-written notes addressed to “#1 Granddaughter. I remember the smell of his pipe and going to his house for Friday night dinner.”
The point of me sharing this?
Everyday, I feel like I’m writing my obituary. What can I do today to make an impact on the next generation. Or, at the very least, how will I be remembered.
If you’re anything like me, this is it.
Make people feel special and loved. Teach them something.
And if you want to be remembered for more than making an impact, serve your loved ones good-smelling food.
Thanks again,
Shalva and Lenny
Life is NOYOKE
P.S. Here’s our annual Minnesota State Fair Picture with the dedication brick we were gifted for our wedding.
Like weekly recaps like this? Sign up for our newsletter!
And then, catch up on the last few week’s week-in-review:
Fancy Wedding Cake Smoothie, Dinners After Dark, Vitamix Back-to-School Sale, and more!
3 Vitamix FYI's
1) Our Vitamix cookbook now has 75 recipes! Get the Kindle version on Amazon or get all versions from LINY.
2) Fast Free Shipping: USA 🇺🇸 and Canada 🇨🇦 shoppers get free shipping (all orders, all sizes!) from Vitamix.com. Click to apply
3) Now through forever: Get a free copy of our Companion Kit (ebook bundle etc) and 6 months of VIP support when you notify us of your Vitamix purchase.