Recipe Index Revamp, The Ultimate Guide to Making Smoothie Bowls, Live Vitamix Demo Video, Green Juice and Acai Bowls with a toddler, a Gooseneck Cellphone Stand, and more!
(This is the online version of our weekly email newsletter. It features the latest updates to, articles published, recipes we made, Vitamix buying advice for those considering, and links (generally plant-based-lifestyle-related) we’re thinking about. To get it delivered to your inbox on Fridays, you can subscribe right here.)
Good afternoon from Minneapolis!
Hope you had a nice week. 🙂
Here’s what’s new, exciting, and thought-provoking from the Life is NOYOKE world.
1. Helpful update to
We want our Recipe Index to be your go-to destination for making something with your Vitamix. Finally, there’s no reason it shouldn’t be.
You’re going to love our new Recipe Index. Browse by recipe type or get inspired by practical categories and tags.
Think of it like the ultimate restaurant menu.
Great on desktop, tablet, or mobile.
View: The Vitamix Recipe Index
2. Newly posted articles we’re sharing
This week, I thought it would be a good idea to write 3,000 words about making smoothie bowls. Three word summary: Get into them!
Read: The Ultimate Guide to Making Smoothie Bowls
3. New YouTube video we’re enjoying
This week we published a replay of the live Vitamix demonstration we did a couple of years ago. It was designed to consume start-to-finish, but there’s plenty to learn if you want to jump around. (While the prices, offers, and picks may not be up-to-date, the info and stories within are timeless.)
Watch: LIVE VITAMIX DEMO – Webinar Recording
Here are the highlights if you want to skip around or bypass the sales pitches:
1:13 Welcome
3:03 Why you’re here
3:25 Shalva’s story
5:15 The real enemy
6:00 The solution to low energy
7:45 Your struggles to eat healthily
12:38 Green smoothie demonstration
16:40 A young child’s reaction to a Vitamix green smoothie
17:24 Demonstrating how the Vitamix basically cleans itself
20:02 The truth about healthy snacking
24:17 Almond butter demonstration in our Vitamix
35:00 Frozen dessert in a Vitamix demonstration
41:02 What you can make in a Vitamix
41:45 Hot soup in a Vitamix demonstration
48:53 Why eating healthy is so hard (challenges, excuses, mistakes)
4. Classic recipes we’re re-showcasing
This week I got to visit Niece Lena. So instead of her settling for watching “Uncle Juice” on YouTube make green juice, we made a batch together.
Make: Green juice
+ Another lesson learned while hanging with my 2-year-old niece: Acai bowls, while great for adults, require the ability to operate a spoon. (More on that and other smoothie bowl-making wisdom in our Ultimate Guide to Smoothie Bowls as mentioned above.)

Life is NOYOKE takes us hundreds of hours every month to create and maintain.
If you appreciate what we do, please consider supporting our work by using our referral links to make purchases. It’s free for you and every bit helps.
5. Links to things we’re thinking about
“I feel healthier than I’ve ever felt AND I feel like I’m eating savory filling food so I don’t feel like I’m eating like a malnourished rabbit.” This unsolicited review of our cookbook made our week.
+ For people that use their phone or tablet in the kitchen to FaceTime, follow recipes, or, in our case, shoot B-Roll: FUTESJ Gooseneck White and Gold Cell Phone / Tablet Holder. Shalva got me one of these for Valentines and it so much fun to use. Hand-free FaceTime with Gaga and Mimah!
How’s your healthy-eating New Year’s resolution going? Leave your comment below.
Like weekly recaps like this? Sign up for our newsletter!
And then, catch up on the last few week’s week-in-review:
Tomato Soup for Kids, Advice for Expecting First-Time Parents, Green Juice, Mike Tyson, and more!
Cheese Video for Kids, Fancy Tomato soup, the Magic Hook, and more!
3 Vitamix FYI's
1) Our Vitamix cookbook now has 75 recipes! Get the Kindle version on Amazon or get all versions from LINY.
2) Fast Free Shipping: USA 🇺🇸 and Canada 🇨🇦 shoppers get free shipping (all orders, all sizes!) from Click to apply
3) Now through forever: Get a free copy of our Companion Kit (ebook bundle etc) and 6 months of VIP support when you notify us of your Vitamix purchase.