16 Reasons why Vitamix is a Big Investment (but the RIGHT decision)
Quick notes
Why you should trust us
PART I: Why Vitamix (per the company and independent 3rd parties)
1) Drinks taste better
2) Unbeatable textures
3) Real versatility
4) Built-to-last durability
5) Chef preference
6) Easy to use
7) Easy to clean
8) Company heritage
PART II: Why Vitamix (additional observations)
9) Money savings
10) Lifestyle (not-so) secret weapon
11) Fruits and vegetables made easy
12) Food as medicine
13) Muscle building
14) Weight loss
15) Better relationships
16) The community
A personal message
More Vitamix resources from Life is NOYOKE
Introduction continued
Now, it’s different. If I needed to justify getting a Vitamix, I’d say it’s a big investment, but the right decision.
Compared to cheap alternatives, Vitamix yields significantly:
- Better tasting drinks.
- Easier cleanup.
- Greater return on investment.
But I may have never taken the plunge. It’s true.
IÂ prefer cheaper, but “basically just-as-good” options. (I never have and never will own a BMW, for example. Honda Accords get me from point A to point B just as well.)
But in the world of blenders, there’s no “basically just-as-good model.”
Example 2: Here’s a video demo (40:08) on another commonly thought to be “good enough,” the Nutribullet.
Getting a Vitamix IS the smart buy. Good luck finding a Vitamix owner to tell you otherwise.
Young professionals, growing families, nutritionally-focused individuals share the bond. All owner profiles say they LOVE their Vitamix.
So here’s a list of reasons why Vitamix is the last blender you’ll ever buy. It’s broken up into two parts.
Part 1: The confirmed claims from the Vitamix corporation and 3rd party testers.
Part 2: The observations from the experience of my family, friends (the countless people I’ve helped find the right one for them), and myself.
Quick notes
Note 1: When referring to Vitamix Corp, the family-owned company out of Cleveland, OH, that’s been making blenders in the USA since 1921, I’ll just use “the Company.”
Note 2: Independent 3rd parties refers to companies unaffiliated with Vitamix that performed tests to certify some of their claims.
Note 3: I support my family by being the Vitamix Guy. So I’m not unbiased. But, I’m passionate about the product and how it can help you (and, therefore, my mission for Life is NOYOKE)
Why you should trust me
My original plan with Life is NOYOKE was to be the smoothie guy. The requirement was simple: Invent smoothies.
So my work was not initially focused on blenders. It was about what the blenders made.
So when I got home from my “real” job, I’d experiment with different blended drinks.
I was like a mad scientist trying to create his secret formula.
Translation: I’ve spent LOTS of hours blending for the purpose of escaping my traveling consulting job.
At home, I had a $200 Breville. At my client-site apartment, I had a $20 Oster.
Since starting Life is NOYOKE full time, I’ve used several other blender brands before pledging allegiance to Vitamix.
So I want to make it abundantly clear that:
- I think your life will be better with a Vitamix.
- I have hundreds of hours of actual experience with other brands.
- Most importantly, your ability to achieve your goals is my priority. That’s why I recommend Vitamix. And that’s also why I say DON’T WAIT UNTIL TOMORROW to start blending your way to better health (even if it’s not a Vitamix).
And of course, the explanation of how I proudly pay my bills, here:

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Life is NOYOKE takes us hundreds of hours every month to create and maintain.
If you appreciate what we do, please consider supporting our work by using our referral links to make purchases. It’s free for you and every bit helps.
Why Vitamix (per the company and independent 3rd parties)
Let’s jump right in.
1) Drinks taste better.
There’s a reason Vitamix is among the most coveted kitchen appliances in the world. The drinks and food it produces simply taste better.
Even healthy foods that picky eaters typically dislike taste better.
QUOTE: “I loooove this blender! Spinach and broccoli never tasted so gooood.” – Chase0615
Here’s a visualization of how a Vitamix machine’s power contributes to flavor and taste.
So I know what you’re thinking: How can Vitamix creations actually taste different than ones from other blenders if I use the same ingredients?
Well, as The Company likes to say, “Vitamix releases the flavor of whole foods like no other machine can.”
Tough to verify a subjective statement like this.
But IF ITÂ IS your opinion (which it is mine), it’s all because of science. Let me explain:
2) Unbeatable textures
Drinks made in a Vitamix taste better because of the incredibly fine textures it creates. In other words, smoother smoothies.
The basic analogy is this: powdered sugar.
One sugar cube tastes totally different than if you ate the same amount of sugar in powdered form. Same quantity, same ingredient, but COMPLETELY different taste.
Like science? How about two videos highlighting this concept?
Here’s a post and video (4:48) demonstrating this concept.
Here’s another video (21:08) discussing this concept within the context of supertasks
Ever wonder why blended drinks from Jamba Juice or Starbucks taste nothing like what you’ve tried to make at home? They’re all made in a Vitamix!
Here are two noteworthy facts:
Fact 1: Nearly 2 billion smoothies purchased away from home in the U.S. were prepared by a Vitamix machine in 2014.
Fact 2: 88% of professional smoothie venues in the U.S. used a Vitamix blender in 2014.
But the creamy textures you get goes way beyond smoothies. You can make creamy soup without the cream. (Great for people like me who are now 100% dairy-free).
And for anyone looking to up their culinary game, you can create both precise textures and a wide range of them, too. Perfect California salsa and cauliflower fried rice come to mind.
Here’s a visualization of Vitamix texture precision.
Of course, this is a good pivot to the Vitamix’s versatility.
3) Real versatility
Marketers love to tout the ability of their product to do the job of many others; especially in the blender space.
But the Vitamix?
The Vitamix ACTUALLY does the work of multiple kitchen appliances. It’s MORE than a blender.
You can make:
- Hot soup.
- Whipped cream.
- Pizza dough.
- Nut butters.
- Sauces.
- Sorbet.
- And more.
The list goes on and on.
I’ve seen it touted as a 13-in-1 appliance. Although, I’m not sure I could even name 13 kitchen appliances. Seriously.
In our house, it seems like we use it for every meal, every day. Maybe not every single meal; sometimes I just want a grapefruit. But, close.
Essentially, it does mostly everything, all the time, which confirms, to me, its outstanding value.
And the best part is that it will do that for a very, very long time. Here’s why:
4) Built-to-last durability
From the moment its unboxed, it’s durability is clear. You can really feel that it’s built to last.
This feeling is also backed by two facts:
Great for piece of mind.
But what’s more, here’s a Vitamix insider tidbit:
Less than 1 percent of the products currently under warranty in the U.S. have been returned to Vitamix for service.
QUOTE: “I told my kids they should decide now, who will inherit the Vitamix.” – Sharky, Mullica Hill, NJ
Essentially, Vitamix machines run and run well for quite a while, even with heavy, frequent use.
Here’s a visualization of Vitamix’s durability.
Here’s my explanation of the Vitamix warranty in human terms.
So with the taste, texture, versatility, and durability, it’s no wonder who REALLY loves owning a Vitamix.
5) Chef preference
Simply, Chefs make their living in the kitchen. They need trusted tools to get them the results they need.
For thousands of chefs, one of those tools is a Vitamix.
QUOTE: “The Vitamix is one of the few things I use on a daily basis, both at home and at work.”– Chef Mike Friedman, The Red Hen
For most chefs, their Vitamix is used as a finishing tool to get the velvety texture in their soups and sauces.
Coolest part — the machines they use are nearly identical to the ones you’d buy for your kitchen at home. All Vitamix machines are commercial grade!
Now, even though chefs love ’em, it doesn’t take one to use one.
6) Easy to use
Using a blender is NOTÂ rocket science.
- Add stuff.
- Blend.
But the Vitamix is easier than the rest.
The biggest reason is because of its simplicity. You can create hundreds of recipes in a single container.
Here’s the Vitamix visualization of why their machines are so easy to use
QUOTE: “We bought the Ninja version that they compare to the Vitamix. Within a few months, we were looking for a Vitamix. I thought the second blade in the Ninja would be better than the tamper. Boy, was I wrong. Second blade is practically useless. Ninja was a mess to work with.” – grimart, Virginia
Here’s a video (32:44) demonstration of a Ninja head-to-head vs. a Vitamix
With a Vitamix, you avoid having endless attachments to assemble and store.
Plus, if you have a model with pre-programmed settings, it’s even easier.
Now, since we’re talking ease of use, let’s discuss care and maintenance; also so easy.
7) Easy to clean
That the blade is fixed to the container is what makes the Vitamix so easy to clean. (True for all containers outside of S-Series.)
Just add a drop of soap and some warm water and run for a minute. Good as new.
Avoiding blade removal is a blessing. No disassembly required.
And not hand-cleaning the seal (true in all models besides the S-Series (review)) is a relief.
QUOTE: “Best appliance ever! Amazing, easy to use and even easier to clean. Works great and makes eating healthy simple.” – josephdp
The Vitamix’s simple design is not new, however.
8) Company heritage
Vitamix Corporation is a true, American gem. One product, one family, one mission since 1921.
All products are engineered and assembled in the USA. The Customer Service team works in Cleveland, OH, the same place where the blenders are made.
Simply, Vitamix is an American company from which you can be proud to buy.
Here’s more detail on their story
Here’s the original Papa Banard infomercial
And on a personal note, I’ve met many of the people who work at Vitamix HQ and am proud to have them as my one and only partner on this site.
Why Vitamix (additional observations)
Here are the things I’ve noticed from personal experience. Most of these are things that indicate to me why Vitamix ownership has such a high return on investment. (Once a CPA, always a CPA.)
9) Money savings
No more 16-ounce smoothies for $5.99. No more Frappuccino for $6.29.
No more replacement blenders!
QUOTE: “When you buy a Vitamix, you only buy once. Period. After spending boatloads getting a new blender once a year/year and a half, I finally broke down and bought a Vitamix. That’s it. There’s a reason why restaurants and bars use Vitamix almost exclusively. Powerful, easy to use and to clean, and the blades aren’t dangerous. The blades in the Ninja, on the other hand, are OSHA magnets.” -vegasrenie
And another money savings: I’m cooking at home more than ever.
Bottom line: It helps me live the lifestyle I want to live for less.
What lifestyle you ask? Let’s talk about that.
10) Lifestyle (not-so) secret weapon
Today, my Vitamix helps me with my ongoing struggle to meal plan. Why? Smoothies and shakes are the meal I don’t have to plan!
I eat healthily, but it’s not easy.
Day-to-day, I have a lot going on. It’s tough to eat as well I’d like.
My Vitamix makes that easier every single day.
Just yesterday, we used ours three times. (It was not like we were trying for the sake or this article. It just helped us stay on track.)
Soon enough, I will have kids. Hungry, picky-eating kids.
And then, my Vitamix will be helpful for them, too.
11) Fruits and vegetables made easy
It’s tough for me to talk about feeding kids from personal experience. I can only speculate how I will use my Vitamix to get my (hopefully) not so pick-eating kids to eat their greens.
So I’ll let a few of my friends tell their stories.
QUOTE: “I’ve had delicious healthy smoothies before work every morning since we got our vitamix and I’ve never had more energy throughout the day. My wife is trying new things and we are buying more healthy whole foods. even the kids love what mom is cookin’!” -Scott D
“For my family” is the #1 reason people tell me they took the plunge.
But what about when the kids are grown. Eventually, some day, I’ll grow older and REALLYÂ need to eat well to stay well.
When that time comes, my Vitamix will fit THAT lifestyle, too.
12) Food as medicine
Now, Vitamix Corporation cannot and will not make any claims about their machines’ healing power.
So I will.
Food is the reason we are sick. But here’s the beauty:
Food can make us well again.
Aching joints. Diabetes. Hypertension. Anxiety. Depression. High cholesterol. Chronic pain. Low energy.
A Vitamix can fix all of this.
No, I am not a doctor.
But I am certain that a habit of one green smoothie every morning is THE BEST WAY to effectively treat the challenges that come with aging.
QUOTE: “I JUST purchased a reconditioned Vitamix through your website. I am REALLY excited about getting started. …Â I’ve been concerned about my health and being around to see my children grow up and have their own families. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have any major medical issues even though I’m greatly overweight. I just love my kids and i dont want to leave them earlier than i have to.” – Marlon H.
But let’s jump back into my past for a minute.
13) Muscle building
Anyone who has spent time in a gym knows the importance of getting protein soon after a workout.
In high school, I sure did.
Back then, I did not have a Vitamix. I used whatever blender my parents had.
But today, I cannot imagine working out without the incentive of a Vitamix-made, NOYOKE shake afterwards. It’s almost like having a coach motivating me to finish strong.
But this reward is not only effective for building muscle.
14) Weight loss
There are a gazillion green smoothie websites out there. Most of them offer short-term challenges in which you can participate.
They work! Green smoothies (and protein shakes, too, for that matter) are a great way to get started losing weight and keep it off.
Heck, we’re trying to get in prime shape for our wedding right now. Any guesses what we make AT LEAST once-a-day? 🙂
Yup! A large batch of blended drink to share.
And this brings up another thing I’ve realized about why Vitamix ownership is so great.
15) Better relationships
More often than not, our Vitamix makes things we enjoy together.
- Wanna make us a Sweet Carolyne?
- Should we do a strawberry sorbet for dessert?
- How about a hot soup for dinner tonight?
You can make for one. But making for two is just as little effort and brings infinitely more joy. We switch off who blends and who runs the wash cycle.
But it’s not just sharing with the person you love.
Owning a Vitamix means you’re part of something greater.
16) The community
My friends. Random people on the street. Facebook groups. Even the people who work at Vitamix (all of which are also Vitamix owners).
The Vitamix community is something special.
In it, you can find:
- Support.
- Inspiration.
- People and companies offering classes to improve your technique and skills.
When you buy direct, you’ll get an email saying, “Welcome to the Vitamix family.” Just know the family is about 4 million households.
And many of them say something just like this, summing up the entire list nicely.
QUOTE: “I ran through a juicer AND a nutribullet before I finally learned about Vitamix. The juicer…ugh all of that waste pulp. I remember I tried to freeze some of it once but it was so nasty. The fruit pulp mixed with the veggie pulp was just tasteless. The nutribullet…that stupid rubber gasket came off. Once I had blended a smoothie with spinach and when it was done, I had a chunk of spinach still in it. You should not chew your smoothie….I don’t care what any of the health folks say, that’s just nasty. Finally I pieced together some money and bought a vitamix. Now I’m giving mine to my mother who has been in the hospital for a month or so with digestive issues.This is a awesome machine.” -FallnAngel07
A personal message
I tried to keep this post tempered. But despite my best efforts, it’s filled with passion.
It’s true. I love my Vitamix (all of them (1:31)).
IF you own another blender, don’t worry about it. I’m sure it seemed like the right decision at the time. Use it until you simply can’t anymore.
Then, when you’re ready to experience why Vitamix ownership is so great, I’ll be here to help you pick the one that’ll live in your kitchen, happily ever after.
P.S. You can always email me your questions directly. I like hearing from you; it’s the best part of my “job.”
P.P.S. You can get my weekly recipe videos by subscribing here (so you don’t have to come back searching).
More Vitamix resources from Life is NOYOKE
Which Vitamix to Buy: How to find the Vitamix you’ll love
Is a Vitamix Worth it? (29 reasons it’s not)
Vitamix 101: How to Get MORE from your Vitamix (and get started the right way)