Sunsets, Monkey Butter, and More!
Hi! Here’s what’s new, exciting, and thought provoking from our Life is NOYOKE world.
This is the online version of our weekly email newsletter, 5 Good Things. To get it delivered to your inbox on Saturdays, you can subscribe right here.
1. New blog posts, site updates, and other things we’re proud to be sharing
You ever have one of those weeks that you feel like you got a lot done yet don’t have much (for your email list) to show for it?
That’s one of those weeks for us.
Well, our Instagram surpassed 6,000 followers. That’s exciting!
And, we posted a bunch of new, awesome Vitamix recipes. Make ’em!
And ICYMI last week, we:
- Updated our Recipe Index.
- Uploaded a just-for-fun, 2-minute vid featuring a gecko that visits us in Hawaii.
- Created a page to show off our life-changing (according to several readers) ebook: The Perfect Mix.
Oh, and to answer the question we keep getting, yes, we’re coming home (to Chicago) soon. Every day, we find ourselves in complete and utter awe of the beauty here.
But we miss our people.
Okay, onward.
2. New recipe posts we’re drooling over
Here’s a unique (and mouth-wateringly delicious) Vitamix nut butter. It tastes like banana bread, so we’re calling it Monkey Butter.
+ A delicious smoothie with tofu (instead of chalky protein powder!). We’re calling it The Peach Pose Smoothie. Warning: The post has a shirtless picture of me doing a yoga pose on our Hawaii houses’ rooftop.
+ A vegan chili that’s loaded with protein (and flavor!). We’re calling it Parental Lentil Chili in honor of one of the greatest episodes of South Park ever made.
3. Classic recipes we’re re-showcasing
Like fried rice? Well, who doesn’t? But that bloated feeling you get when you’re done? Feh! Here’s a version that looks and tastes like the real thing: Cauliflower Fried Rice. (This classic also has a great family-friendly YouTube video tutorial.)
4. Vitamix news and updates we’re enjoying
Canada friends: Nothing has changed from last week.
- I still have a crush on your country. Health care, Prime Minister, flag, everything. Just thought you should know.
- Looks like our links to and promo code still gets you Free Priority Shipping, an C$80 value. Not sure how long this will last and revert to free standard shipping. (We were not notified of this offer, so it could go away at any time.)
- We just updated our special page for you Vitamix shoppers in Canada.
+ United States friends: The Smoothie Box offer ends March 31st!
+ A picture of our A3500 with the sunset in its shell.

Life is NOYOKE takes us hundreds of hours every month to create and maintain.
If you appreciate what we do, please consider supporting our work by using our referral links to make purchases. It’s free for you and every bit helps.
5. Articles, posts, and products from around the web we’re thinking about
Here’s some news that you may not expect to get from two people who make a living promoting the Vitamix machine: Forget blending veggies. Parents should set the bar higher by getting their kids to actually like vegetables. Not through subterfuge (a word I had to just look up), but by “actually learning to like veggies, weird textures and all.” From NPR: Save Hide And Seek For The Playground: Why Kids Should See Their Veggies
+ Ever thought you need meat to built muscle? From Answering the question, “Does Plant Protein Build Muscle as Well as Meat?
Okay, all for now.
Thanks and good things,
3 Vitamix FYI's
1) Our Vitamix cookbook now has 75 recipes! Get the Kindle version on Amazon or get all versions from LINY.
2) Fast Free Shipping: USA 🇺🇸 and Canada 🇨🇦 shoppers get free shipping (all orders, all sizes!) from Click to apply
3) Now through forever: Get a free copy of our Companion Kit (ebook bundle etc) and 6 months of VIP support when you notify us of your Vitamix purchase.