A Humbling Amazon Review, Incredible Corn Soup, Thai Peanut Sauce, Last Mother’s Day Reminder, and More!
Hi! Here’s what’s new, exciting, and thought provoking from our Life is NOYOKE world.
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1. New blog posts, site updates, and other things we’re proud to be sharing
I want to tell you about an Amazon review we got for our eBook.
3-stars, thoughtful, and well-written. These are the best kind of Amazon reviews.
Savvy Amazon shoppers know most of the 1-star and 5-star reviews are useless. It’s the tempered, moderate feedback that’s the most useful.
This particular review was more than constructive feedback. It felt like a break-up letter.
Nostalgic, disappointed, but somehow at ease with the reality.
She “felt betrayed.” Like for us, it was now “all about the money.”
She felt like we were no longer serving the people.
My initial thoughts:
- We’ve become hyper-focused on the one thing we’re best at.
- We are doing fine, but by no means are living in abundance.
- Shoot. She’s right.
Perceptions are reality.
We slowed down a bit on YouTube vids. And despite the fact that money earned generally is a good indicator of how much value you’re providing to people, our primary performance metric lately is no longer personal satisfaction with our work. It’s how many Vitamix machines we sell.
Yes, we believe in the product. Yes, we support new owners no matter where they bought.
But these days, Shalva and I are Mr. and Mrs. Vitamix. That’s our role right now, and we’ve come to own it.
Do we want Life is NOYOKE to be more than that? More than just Vitamix reps?
But right now, it’s our greatest service to you. Vegan Vitamix recipes and helping you buy.
And while that Amazon review was not fun to read, it’s been a good thing for us. We’re refocusing on YouTube vids featuring humility (like this one about it being awesome that you got a Ninja), while also owning what we’re best at: Vegan Vitamix Recipes and showing you which Vitamix to buy (now also in video form, updated for 2017).
The best part of all this?
Feeling comfortable being you. Well, us.
Not something to everyone. But one thing to a few.
That few is you.
Thanks for reading.
And, onward.
2. New recipe posts we’re drooling over
Sauces. You can find good ones in the grocery store. But great ones? Great sauces, you gotta make. This Thai Peanut Sauce is no exception.
+ This soup. It’s healthy, hearty, and super flavorful. Since you can buy a version of this at Trader Joe’s it’s certainly not for everyone. But if you’re an overachiever looking to “wow” some guests, give this Creamy Corn and Roasted Pepper Soup a try. It’s incredibly, mouth-wateringly good.
3. Classic recipes we’re re-showcasing
Tomorrow if Mother’s day. And if you’re a procastenator like Shalva and I, here’s a recap of a few things you should consider making your mom.
+ We refreshed a nice little salad dressing, too: Chia seed dressing.
4. Vitamix news and updates we’re enjoying
Guys, tomorrow is the last day to save up to $90 on all new Vitamix machines ($70 on all Ascent models). Here are our picks and the full scoop from Vitamix.
+ A3500‘s are back in stock. $549 for Brushed Stainless until tomorrow.
+ Four Vitamix FYI’s
1) Now through forever: (Starter Kit 1) Get a New Vitamix Owner Starter Kit with the purchase of any Vitamix through Life is NOYOKE. It’s a quick-start recipe cheatsheet, ebook, $20 coupon to LINY “U”, and Lifetime Priority Support as a thank you gift for buying through us. Read More »»
2) Now through May 14, 2017, save up to $90 on new Vitamix machines and get great deals on Certified Reconditioned. These deals are part of the big Mother’s Day sale. Read More »»
3) During the Mother’s Day Sale, Vitamix.com and Vitamix.ca have site-wide free shipping. If you’d like us to get credit for the sale, be sure to use our → link to vitamix.com before you checkout and look for (06-NOYOKE) near the promotion code box. Thanks!
4) The Vitamix Ascent Series (our full review of each model) is now available in the U.S. and Canada. Each comes with a 10-year warranty and is eligible for easy payment plans.
+ Because it’s back in stock and tomorrow is Mother’s Day, here’s a pic of my Mom getting to know our Brushed Stainless A3500.

Life is NOYOKE takes us hundreds of hours every month to create and maintain.
If you appreciate what we do, please consider supporting our work by using our referral links to make purchases. It’s free for you and every bit helps.
5. Articles, posts, and products from around the web we’re thinking about
From One Green Planet: This Stat From Grubhub Totally Disproves Eating Vegan is ‘Hard’
Okay, all for now.
Thanks and good things,
Shalva and Lenny
P.S. Lucy stole this kiss.
3 Vitamix FYI's
1) Our Vitamix cookbook now has 75 recipes! Get the Kindle version on Amazon or get all versions from LINY.
2) Fast Free Shipping: USA 🇺🇸 and Canada 🇨🇦 shoppers get free shipping (all orders, all sizes!) from Vitamix.com. Click to apply
3) Now through forever: Get a free copy of our Companion Kit (ebook bundle etc) and 6 months of VIP support when you notify us of your Vitamix purchase.