Carb Addiction, Bright Blueberry Balsamic, Full-Bodied Black Tea Mango Smoothie, Chocolate Mousse, and More!
Hi! Here’s what’s new, exciting, and thought provoking from our Life is NOYOKE world.
(This is the online version of our weekly email newsletter, 5 Good Things. To get it delivered to your inbox on Saturdays, you can subscribe right here.)
1. New blog posts, site updates, and other things we’re proud to be sharing
Guys, this is our 10th Q2 newsletter, which means we’re going on break. Yay!
We’ll be back in your inbox on July 8th with a new and exciting 5 Good Things.
Now, here’s some highlights from this week. 🙂
Listen: From Brodie Welch’s podcast “A Healthy Curiosity” Health Evolution vs. Revolution with Lenny Gale, founder of Life is NOYOKE (link to episode on iTunes).
Read: Just published our May Vitamix Usage Report.
Watch: Shalva explains How to Break Your Addiction to Carbs.
As always, thanks for reading and being a part of this.
Talk soon,
Lenny and Shalva.
P.S. If this week’s newsletter did not show up in your inbox, you might need to resubscribe.
P.P.S. Special thanks if you’re one of our (almost!) 10,000 Instagram followers.
P.P.P.S. Feel free to schedule a Vitamix sales call with us anytime over the next two weeks (while we’re away). Just know that we’ll be at the lake and the reception up there makes me sound like I’m on a boat with a beer in my hand. 😉
2. New recipe posts we’re drooling over
You gotta try this bright blueberry balsamic vinaigrette. Really. Try it.
+ I wish this picture turned out better. But this Full-Bodied Black Tea Mango Smoothie is really nice.
+ This aquafaba chocolate mousse. As tasty as it looks.
3. Classic recipes we’re re-showcasing
We’re in charge of two dinners at the lake this year. Here are a few things we’ll be making. #spoileralert
Make your own spring rolls (featuring our Thai peanut sauce).
Taco night with grapefruit margs. (New pic needed!)
And, of course, a batch of our queso for snacks. Duh.
4. Vitamix news and updates we’re enjoying
Everyone’s asking us about the Ascent’s 8-ounce and 20-ounce containers. When will they be available!? Well, we were just on the phone with Vitamix and here’s what we know: There was a setback, but they’ll be here soon. How soon? Not sure. They should be available before the holidays. But hopefully sooner. Either way, I think they’ll be worth the wait.
+ Still available, for $279.95 (at they’re C$379.95), you can get a Certified Reconditioned Standard Programs (aka recon Pro 500). If you’ve ever mentioned to me that you want one, this is the one (and the deal) you should get. So well priced, you can’t afford to not get one. 😉
+ Also still, the all-touchscreen 780 (review and video demonstrations), it is $120 off while supplies last. (Canada shoppers get C$130 off the same model!) We love the look and feel of this machine (especially when paired with easy payment plans).
+ Our job is to help you pick a Vitamix. Let’s talk it all through! (This is one of my favorite new parts of my job.)
+ Planning to buy through us? Please use our → link to before you checkout. You should see (06-NOYOKE) near the promotion code box and that way you’ll know got credit. Thank you!
+ Here’s that black tea mango smoothie in our A3500. Not the best picture (full blends during daylight are always best). But it’s nice to demonstrate a low-profile 64-ounce container (standard on all Ascent models) handling a tiny batch of smoothie just fine.

Life is NOYOKE takes us hundreds of hours every month to create and maintain.
If you appreciate what we do, please consider supporting our work by using our referral links to make purchases. It’s free for you and every bit helps.
5. Articles, posts, and products from around the web we’re thinking about
This is an article that’s going to forever shape the way we position our plant-based creations. From the BBC: ‘Seductive names’ make vegetables more appealing
Okay, all for now.
Thanks and good things,
Shalva and Lenny
P.S. The pic below is from last weekend while volunteering at a homeless shelter in Chicago. Looking back, it looks like we’re being silly and mocking the homeless folk’s dinner: Basic baked potatoes. But the reality was the exact opposite. Shalva, her girlfriend, Val, and I made (and sponsored) loaded baked potatoes with sweet tea and homemade dessert for the group of 36 residents. I hadn’t done front-of-the-house dinner service since college. And hadn’t volunteered (in a traditional sense like this) since high school. I cannot wait to do it again. And hopefully, next time, serve potatoes with our queso instead of shredded cheese. 🙂
3 Vitamix FYI's
1) Our Vitamix cookbook now has 75 recipes! Get the Kindle version on Amazon or get all versions from LINY.
2) Fast Free Shipping: USA 🇺🇸 and Canada 🇨🇦 shoppers get free shipping (all orders, all sizes!) from Click to apply
3) Now through forever: Get a free copy of our Companion Kit (ebook bundle etc) and 6 months of VIP support when you notify us of your Vitamix purchase.