Easy Guac, Chocolate Pomegranate Protein Bites, Cranberry Cocktail Starter, New Which Vitamix to Buy in 2018 Video, and More!
Hi! Here’s what’s new, exciting, and thought provoking from our Life is NOYOKE world.
(This is the abbreviated online version of our weekly email newsletter, 5 Good Things. To get the full version delivered to your inbox on Saturdays, you can subscribe right here.)
1. New blog posts, site updates, and other things we’re proud to be sharing
Good morning from Minneapolis!
Hope you had a nice week. 🙂
Before we share the food we made this week, wanted to mention our new about page. Check it out.
Totally revamped.
Or if you’re more of the scroll-through type, here’s an excerpt from it:
Shalva’s responsibilities:
- Develop and describe new Vitamix recipes.
- Style food photographs (her childhood dream job, no joke).
- Manage (and be the voice of) our social media platforms.
- Interpret what people are meaning to say.
- Edit everything.
- Continue “cooking” the baby that’s due in one week (our first!).
- Keep our proverbial car on the road, not going too fast, stopped until everyone and everything is in, well-maintained, en route, locked when parked, licensed, insured, and filled with snacks.
Lenny’s responsibilities:
- Writing posts like this.
- Producing our YouTube videos.
- Photographing the deliciousness.
- Making green juice in the mornings.
- Making queso as soon as we run out.
- Remembering that most people are not vegans and do not have a Vitamix, and that’s okay.
- Remembering that life is for living and that after 6pm it’s time to be done working and start enjoying the second half of the day with the people (and dogs) you love.
You can read the rest of our about page right here.
And, in case you missed it last last week, our Vitamix Usage Report September 2017
Okay, let’s get to the things we made this week!
2. New recipes we’re enjoying
Chocolate Pomegranate Protein Bites. These bites are a perfect on-the-go snack. They take no time at all to put together and are incredibly satisfying. No prep, no crazy ingredients, and you don’t have to bake them. Interested? Check ’em out!
+ Cranberry Cocktail Starter. Nothing will make you look like more of a pro-bartender than throwing together a cocktail using this juice as your base.
3. Classic recipes we’re re-showcasing
Guacamole. You can make homemade guacamole by hand. Absolutely. But if you have a Vitamix, you can let it do the chopping for you and make a huge batch of restarante-style guacamole very quickly. Here’s how.
4. Vitamix deals, news, and updates we’re enjoying
One huge thing: Our freshly published video: Which Vitamix to Buy in 2018.
Note: last year’s version (which to buy in 2017) helped over 65,000 people figure out which Vitamix to buy. Well, as of today, it had 65k views. So I guess there’s no guarantee it was helpful. 😉

Life is NOYOKE takes us hundreds of hours every month to create and maintain.
If you appreciate what we do, please consider supporting our work by using our referral links to make purchases. It’s free for you and every bit helps.
5. Articles, posts, and products from around the web we’re thinking about
I’m the Director of the Vitamix Container Cleaning department in our kitchen. And since I’ve been using these OXO Good Grips Soap Dispensing Dish Brushes for a decade, I’m thrilled to be able to recommend them to this whole list at once: I cannot think of a better bang-for-your-buck accessory for Vitamix owners. Think of it like a toothbrush for your Vitamix.
Okay, all for now.
Thanks and good things,
Shalva and Lenny
P.S. We’re still pregnant. See you next week.
3 Vitamix FYI's
1) Our Vitamix cookbook now has 75 recipes! Get the Kindle version on Amazon or get all versions from LINY.
2) Fast Free Shipping: USA 🇺🇸 and Canada 🇨🇦 shoppers get free shipping (all orders, all sizes!) from Vitamix.com. Click to apply
3) Now through forever: Get a free copy of our Companion Kit (ebook bundle etc) and 6 months of VIP support when you notify us of your Vitamix purchase.